Posts tagged: Predator Fly Tying

Fly Focus Friday: Deer in the Headlights

Fly Focus Friday: Deer in the Headlights

This fly is what its name suggests, bucktail from a deer and a bunch of flash mixed in and an even flashier tail. More specifically it is a hollow bucktail deceiver with layers of holographic Flashabou featuring a holographic Pacchiarini's Dragon tail. This style of fly featuring the dragon tail have become increasingly popular in the northern pike and musky world for good reason; they work really well. On top of musky and pike this fly can work for smallmouth, largemouth and striped bass as well as any predatory fish that can fit an 8" long baitfish in its mouth. This fly features a snap attachment so that other color tails can be interchanged with different heads.

We have a limited supply of these flies available for purchase HERE as well as links to all the materials to tie your own down below!

Tied by: Joe Webster

Deer In The Headlights Pike Musky Fly Pattern

Deer In The Headlights Pike Musky Fly Pattern

Materials List (Click each item for product page):

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Fly Focus Friday: Squimpish Fiber Hollow Fly

Fly Focus Friday: Squimpish Fiber Hollow Fly

This weeks fly focus Friday features Joe's Squimpish Fiber Hollow Fly, a large profiled hollow fly featuring Squimpish Boutique Blends layered in between several hollow bucktail ties. Hollow tying techniques have become one of the most popular styles of creating large baitfish patterns. Both bucktail and squimpish fibers, whether that be the boutique blends or the original squimish hair, take extremely well to this style of tying in materials,and blend together to create amazing movement and presence in the water. This pattern was designed for our local striped bass, (specifically the big ones) but has also taken species such as peacock bass, golden dorado and striped marlin. Our favorite colors locally here in Maine are the olive and white combination for daylight hours and the blurple for night. This fly can effectively be tied anywhere from a 1/0 all the way up to 10/0 or bigger.

Materials List (Click for link to page):

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