Recap: Maine Bar Fly - Oxbow Blending & Bottling (Feb. 26th 2019)
Last night was all about foam. The theme was centered around the "hopper-dropper" technique and tying dry flies/hoppers utilizing foam. Shaun Baggitt was the featured tyer for the night and detailed out two great patterns - a foam caddis and "chubby chernobyl." Both of these flies can be fished solo, or as the main (buoyant) dry fly which holds up an accompanying nymph.
We were graciously hosted by Oxbow again. Being one of our favorite places to have the Maine Bar Fly, we enjoyed Oxbow's big selection of beers. Their Farmhouse Ale, Endless Summer, Metal Face seemed to be the most popular among us.
Thanks to all who joined us last night! The next Maine Bar Fly will be held at Stars & Stripes Brewery in Freeport. We will be tying two different saltwater crab patterns taught by Travis Shipman. This will also be the last Maine Bar Fly of the season and we will be going out with a bang! There will be lots of great raffle prizes available which will continue to support Project Healing Waters such as:
- Full day guided fishing for stripers with Eric Wallace
- An Original Maine Fly Tying Base made by Nate Hicks
- A box full of streamers tied by Shaun Baggitt
- One hour private fly tying lesson with Nate Wight
Words + Photos By: Josh Thelin