Fly Tying Classes

From beginners to the advanced, we offer fly tying classes here through All Points that will help bring your skills to the next level! 

The Maine Bar Fly

The Maine Bar Fly

Our first fly tying class that we started at the very opening of the fly shop. This is our flagship tying event which includes detailed fly tying lessons while incorporating various local conservation organizations. The broader reach of these nights is to also teach the attendees entomology, river and stream dynamics, saltwater tides and conditions, and more. This helps to connect fly tying and fly fishing to our local Maine waters and geography. 

The Maine Bar Fly ticket and info page is HERE

Introduction to Fly Tying

This 4 weeks class is designed for those who are beginners to fly tying. These are smaller classes with limited availability for a more personal approach.

The Introduction to Fly Tying ticket and info page is HERE

Advanced Saltwater Fly Tying

Advanced Fly Tying Class in Maine

This course is for those fly tyers who are looking to take their basic knowledge of saltwater fly tying to the next level. From classic bucktail based patterns to crab and shrimp flies, to UV resin techniques, our Advanced Saltwater tying class is also a smaller class with limited spots for a more personal approach.

The Advanced Saltwater Fly Tying ticket and info page is HERE