All Points Fly Shop + Outfitter Blog

How To Tie Wood Special Fly Pattern

Video: Fly Tying - The Wood Special

A classic Maine fly, the Wood Special was originally tied by Joe Sterling in the 1960's. Since then, it has found a place in many fly anglers boxes as a...

Video: Fly Tying - The Wood Special

A classic Maine fly, the Wood Special was originally tied by Joe Sterling in the 1960's. Since then, it has found a place in many fly anglers boxes as a...

Pacchiarini's Dragon Tail

Video: Attaching Pacchiarini's Dragon Tails

Pacchiarini's Dragon Tails have become very popular for fly tying Pike and Musky patterns as well many other big game fish such as Striped Bass and Golden Dorado. In this...

Video: Attaching Pacchiarini's Dragon Tails

Pacchiarini's Dragon Tails have become very popular for fly tying Pike and Musky patterns as well many other big game fish such as Striped Bass and Golden Dorado. In this...

Fly Tying Mackerel Deceiver

Fly Tying Video - The Chartreuse Mackerel Deceiver

Check out our instructional video on tying the Chartreuse Mackerel Deceiver. This is a great imitation, especially for the Tinker Mackerel!

Fly Tying Video - The Chartreuse Mackerel Deceiver

Check out our instructional video on tying the Chartreuse Mackerel Deceiver. This is a great imitation, especially for the Tinker Mackerel!