Posts tagged: Sand Eel Fly Pattern

Video: Fly Tying - Sand Eel Flat Wing

Video: Fly Tying - Sand Eel Flat Wing

Flat wing style flies are renowned for their great movement and castability. These flies are a modern twist on a classic style featuring an almost indestructible UV resin head and body as well as a keel weight to ensure these flies will ride correctly under even the heaviest current. Additional steps are taken in the tying process to prevent the feathers and bucktail from fouling which can be an issue with this style of fly.


Material List: (click on each item for product page)

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Fly Focus Friday: Flat Wing Deceiver

Fly Focus Friday: Flat Wing Deceiver

Flat wing style flies have long been a fan favorite of striped bass fly anglers along the east coast. Renowned for their movement and castability flatwing flies are tied in many different styles and sizes. These flatwings are a more modern take on the concept featuring a built UV resin head with holographic eyes, and a keel weight to ensure that the fly will ride correctly even under heavy current. This pattern is about 7" long and can make a great small mackerel, or large sand eel pattern. In general this pattern is a great imitation for any long slim profiled baitfish. 

Flat Wing Deceiver Striped Bass Fly

Materials (Click link for pages):

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